Providing Comprehensive Health Care Services Since 1985

As the years go by, each workout seems a little more painful then the last.  The running and lifting that used to come easy now leaves our bodies winded and sore.  However, this should not be a reason to stop exercising.  Aging and fitness go hand-in-hand, and continuing to exercise can lead to a better quality of life especially for adults and the elderly. yoga

Fitness is amongst the best anti-aging tools that we have.  Exercise can help prevent health related problems that occur later in life. Exercise such as weight lifting and aerobic activity can help lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and depression.  By lifting weights or performing weight-bearing exercise, adults can increase bone density and reduce fractures that can lead to less hospital visits and home care.  Aerobic exercise can lead to lower cholesterol, therefore decreasing health related problems and need for medication.  With aging and fitness, exercise can lead to a happy and healthy aging process as long as adults continue to make it a regular habit.

So, what exercises should adults tend to lean toward as they become older to avoid injury?  Older adults should tend to do more low-impact activities.  Some of the better low-impact exercises are walking, swimming, cycling, lifting weights, and yoga.  Walking is easier on adult joints and can be done practically anywhere.  Swimming can help improve endurance, flexibility and conditioning.  Cycling aides with building muscle and endurance.  Lifting lighter weights can also help older adults build muscle and strength.  Finally, yoga can increase muscle without putting unnecessary strain on the body.  Yoga classes can typically be found at gyms or studios around the community.

So although exercise can be painful at times, adults should continue to maintain a regular regime. A good regime can have positive results on the aging and fitness process.

As always, adults and the elderly should consult a professional or a physician before starting any new exercise regime.  For information or questions regarding aging and fitness for the elderly contact MD Home Health / MD Home Assist at 602.266.9971 or visit their website at