Providing Comprehensive Health Care Services Since 1985

dreaming newborn baby - 3 weeks old baby sleeping

Congratulations on your new arrival! As all the thrills and excitements fade away, it’s time to make that transition into motherhood with a positive attitude. One of the best ways to ensure that you get all the supports you need is by hiring a reliable new mother/baby care service. As a well-known Phoenix Home Health Care, MD Home Health promises to deliver quality care that will make you and your baby happy.

Being a new mom is never easy. In addition to getting all the chores done around the house, you are now responsible for a precious little person that coos, sleeps and cries at a whim. While your significant other may be entirely loving and supportive, he/she may not much of a “baby expert” either. What you need is an experienced and qualified home caregiver who not only can give you practical tips, but also lend a strong hand in times of need. If you’re considering new mother/baby care, here are 3 things you should look out for before hiring:

Smart, but Simple Postpartum Tips

Although it’s easy for new moms to become buried in a hectic schedule, studies have shown that rest is a much needed routine. According to Stanford Children’s Health, the postpartum period, which begins immediately after delivery, is both physically and emotionally challenging. To effectively rebuild her strength, recommends that the mother be relieved of all responsibilities so she can rest, eat and care for the baby. This is why an experienced new mother/baby care provider is someone who can give practical postpartum tips to help new moms in their recovery process.

Professionally Trained to Care for Newborns

Caring for a minor is a serious business, not to mention caring for a newborn who needs all the attention and love to thrive physically, mentally and emotionally. This is why home care companies, like MD Home Health of Phoenix, make sure all caregivers have passed a criminal background check, a physical health check, and a written and hands-on competency test. On top of that, caregivers are be trained to handle newborns with professionalism and compassion. So when you’re considering a new mother/baby care, be sure to ask the company for their training program and hiring process. Doing so will help you to better evaluate whether a company meets your personal expectation of care and service.

Sympathetic, Friendly and Flexible Service

In addition to evaluating the qualification of the service provider and caregiver, you’ll want to hire a new mother/baby care service that is willing to go out of their ways to make you feel comfortable. The postpartum period, according to WebMD, is a sensitive time with lots of emotions, hormones and physical changes. You’ll want to be around a caregiver who can lend not only professional hand, but also some emotional support. After all, it is friendship and loving care that will help you pull through those first few months of motherhood.

Enjoy your new bundle of joy by getting professional and quality support from MD Home Health’s New Mother/Baby Care. All our caregivers have been rigorously trained to handle and respond to situations with precision and understanding. Contact MD Home Health for more information today.