Providing Comprehensive Health Care Services Since 1985

How to age gracefully

How to age gracefully

Aging doesn’t have to be something to dread or fear.  Although our bodies and minds do change over time, you can age with grace and have some fun while you’re at it. Here are a few tips to stay forever young and to improve your health care. Live Well This may go without saying, but […]

Finding the Humor in Hospice

Finding the Humor in Hospice

Isn’t one of the best things to do in life to laugh at ourselves? If we have no sense of humor, then who are we? Although we in no way are claiming that hospice care is anything to joke about, of course, one man and his good friend decided to poke fun at the home […]

Animal Therapy Benefits for Hospice Care

Animal Therapy Benefits for Hospice Care

We have heard of therapy puppies and cats but never a therapy duck! Meet Webster, the mallard duck that wandered into Johnston’s WesleyLife as the new pet therapy volunteer. What is so interesting about Webster is that you can actually pet him! He even goes up on patient’s laps! Webster is no ordinary duck though, […]

Alzheimer’s Patients Find Way Around Memory Loss Through Babysitting

There may just be hope for those that suffer from the gradual effects of Alzheimer’s and we have babies to thank for it. A new study in Australia has revealed that “spending a moderate amount of time caring for grandkids may prevent Alzheimer’s Disease by increasing brain function and memory.” Utilizing the pieces of the […]

The Benefits of Exercise and an Active Lifestyle

May is National Sports and Physical Fitness month. Now is a great time to spread awareness of the many benefits provided by engaging in an active lifestyle. Many Americans don’t get enough exercise in their day to day lives. An active lifestyle can improve your mood, promote social interaction and even increase the longevity of […]

Why Fall Prevention is So Important

February is National Senior Independence Month, and while many are doing their part in promoting healthy living, caregiving and exercise, it is equally important to stress the risk of falls, and to join in promoting fall prevention this month. According to the CDC, one out of every three adults age 65 and over falls each […]

February is National Senior Independence Month

February is a month that is dedicated to celebrating senior independence, and putting a bit of extra time into promoting and assisting a senior in your life in any way that helps with their independence in staying at home, while receiving the care that they need. As caregivers and Phoenix home health care professionals, we […]

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Better Health

Now that 2017 is in full swing, there’s likely a list of resolutions you’ve made to help make 2017 the best year yet. Perhaps you’re already working away at your list of changes you’d like to make, or maybe you’ve only looked at it, and haven’t started on it yet. Either situation is fine, as […]

10 Things that Burn 500+ Calories

Summer may be over, and while cooler days allow for big comfy sweaters, we shouldn’t throw away our exercise routines–especially with the holidays around the corner. Since it requires the burning of 3500 calories to lose one pound, a healthy goal is to burn 500 extra calories per day. This may sound like a lot […]

Five Reasons to Take a Daily Walk This Fall

In recent years, a great deal of scientific research has focused on the benefits of walking and how it can be highly advantageous to your health and well-being. There are lots of reasons why you should get up off your chair, and get outside to enjoy the crisp autumn air, while you take a stroll […]